Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019

Genes Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology Reprint Hilary Rose Steven Rose Online lesen CGQ

Genes Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology Reprint Hilary Rose Steven Rose Laden Sie i BEP

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  • Dissecting the hype from the frontiers of bioethics, genomics and neuroscience.

    Our fates lie in our genes and not in the stars, said James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. But Watson could not have predicted the scale of the industry now dedicated to this new frontier. Since the launch of the multibillion-dollar Human Genome Project, the biosciences have promised miracle cures and radical new ways of understanding who we are. But where is the new world we were promised? In Genes, Cells and Brains, feminist sociologist Hilary Rose and neuroscientist Steven Rose take on the bioscience industry and its claims. Examining the establishment of biobanks, the rivalries between public and private genesequencers, and the rise of stem cell research, they ask why the promised cornucopia of health benefits has failed to emerge and reveal the questionable enterprise that has grown out of bioethics. The human body is becoming a commodity, and the unfulfilled promises of the science behind this revolution suggest profound failings in genomics itself.

    ebook,Hilary Rose, Steven Rose,Genes, Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology,Verso,Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Philosophy Social Aspects,Biotechnology,Biotechnology;Social aspects.,Genomics,Genomics;Moral and ethical aspects.,Genomics;Social aspects.,Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Microbiology (Specific Aspects),Moral and ethical aspects,Other Specific Technologies,Philosophy Social Aspects,Philosophy of science,SCIENCE / Biotechnology,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biochemistry,Science,Science / Life Sciences / Cell Biology,Science / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science / Philosophy Social Aspects,Science/Biotechnology,Science/Life Sciences - Biochemistry,Science/Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Science/Mathematics,Social aspects,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,SCIENCE / Biotechnology,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biochemistry,Science / Life Sciences / Cell Biology,Science / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science / Philosophy Social Aspects,Science/Biotechnology,Science/Life Sciences - Biochemistry,Science/Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Microbiology (Specific Aspects),Biotechnology,Genomics,Moral and ethical aspects,Social aspects,Science,Science/Mathematics,Other Specific Technologies,Philosophy of science

    Genes Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology Reprint Hilary Rose Steven Rose Reviews :

    Dissecting the hype from the frontiers of bioethics, genomics and neuroscience.

    Our fates lie in our genes and not in the stars, said James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. But Watson could not have predicted the scale of the industry now dedicated to this new frontier. Since the launch of the multibillion-dollar Human Genome Project, the biosciences have promised miracle cures and radical new ways of understanding who we are. But where is the new world we were promised? In Genes, Cells and Brains, feminist sociologist Hilary Rose and neuroscientist Steven Rose take on the bioscience industry and its claims. Examining the establishment of biobanks, the rivalries between public and private genesequencers, and the rise of stem cell research, they ask why the promised cornucopia of health benefits has failed to emerge and reveal the questionable enterprise that has grown out of bioethics. The human body is becoming a commodity, and the unfulfilled promises of the science behind this revolution suggest profound failings in genomics itself.

    ebook,Hilary Rose, Steven Rose,Genes, Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology,Verso,Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Philosophy Social Aspects,Biotechnology,Biotechnology;Social aspects.,Genomics,Genomics;Moral and ethical aspects.,Genomics;Social aspects.,Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Microbiology (Specific Aspects),Moral and ethical aspects,Other Specific Technologies,Philosophy Social Aspects,Philosophy of science,SCIENCE / Biotechnology,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biochemistry,Science,Science / Life Sciences / Cell Biology,Science / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science / Philosophy Social Aspects,Science/Biotechnology,Science/Life Sciences - Biochemistry,Science/Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Science/Mathematics,Social aspects,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,SCIENCE / Biotechnology,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biochemistry,Science / Life Sciences / Cell Biology,Science / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science / Philosophy Social Aspects,Science/Biotechnology,Science/Life Sciences - Biochemistry,Science/Life Sciences - Cell Biology,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Microbiology (Specific Aspects),Biotechnology,Genomics,Moral and ethical aspects,Social aspects,Science,Science/Mathematics,Other Specific Technologies,Philosophy of science

    Genes, Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology - edition by Hilary Rose, Steven Rose. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Genes, Cells and Brains The Promethean Promises of the New Biology.


    Product details

    • File Size 2047 KB
    • Print Length 353 pages
    • Publisher Verso; Reprint edition (November 19, 2012)
    • Publication Date November 19, 2012
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B00G2DO8UM
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